, Just hit /, and type your search pattern. , , Patterns can be regular expressions, for example, you could search for the word DQoptionDQ by typing , , /Ooption , Or find all of the long arguments with , , /(--)a-Z , To cancel the search, hit Ctrl+C. , , Some useful quantification operators are: , , ? for zero or one of the preceding expression , * for zero or more of the preceding expression , + for one or more of the preceding expression , And expressions can be DQgroupedDQ with parentheses, as in (--)+ (for two or more dashes). , , a-Z is a sequence (others include 0-9, a-z and so on), they can be combined, as in a-Z0-9. You can also invert expressions with the ^ operator, e.g. (--)^a-Z+ for all long arguments that start with anything other than a letter. , , Another useful operation is Union (|), as in color|colour, which finds every occurrence of either color or colour (this is sometimes called boolean OR). , , To jump through the results, press N (forwards) and Shift+N (backwards). , , There is also a way to search across all manpages: , , man -K DQHello WorldDQ , The man program will open the first match, and after you close it with q, offer you to , , view the next one (Return) , skip the current one (Ctrl+D) , or exit (Ctrl+C). ,