, Check expiration dates: sudo certbot certificates , , Use this as is. You will be asked to expand (used for adding new domains/subs). , Add or remove any new domains/subs to the string.These should be the vhosts in /etc/apache2/sites-available , , , example: , sudo certbot --apache -d camping.peteolson.me -d peteolson.me -d consciouscontact.us -d wp-multisite.peteolson.me -d woodworking.peteolson.me -d wiki.peteolson.me -d shotgun-house.peteolson.me -d maps.peteolson.me -d apalachicola-river.peteolson.me -d 215-9th-street.peteolson.me -d oystercityartisans.com -d cycling.peteolson.me , , 1-4-2021 , sudo certbot --apache -d camping.peteolson.me -d peteolson.me -d consciouscontact.us -d wp-multisite.peteolson.me -d woodworking.peteolson.me -d wiki.peteolson.me -d shotgun-house.peteolson.me -d maps.peteolson.me -d apalachicola-river.peteolson.me -d 215-9th-street.peteolson.me -d oystercityartisans.com -d cycling.peteolson.me -d yoga.consciouscontact.us -d lunayoga.us -d projects.peteolson.me -d classes.lunayoga.us , , , as a list: , , -d camping.peteolson.me , -d peteolson.me , -d consciouscontact.us , -d wp-multisite.peteolson.me , -d woodworking.peteolson.me , -d wiki.peteolson.me , -d shotgun-house.peteolson.me , -d maps.peteolson.me , -d apalachicola-river.peteolson.me , -d 215-9th-street.peteolson.me , -d oystercityartisans.com , -d cycling.peteolson.me , -d yoga.consciouscontact.us , -d lunayoga.us , -d projects.peteolson.me , -d classes.lunayoga.us , , , 02-09-2020 , , IMPORTANT NOTES: , - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at: , /etc/letsencrypt/live/peteolson.me-0006/fullchain.pem , Your key file has been saved at: , /etc/letsencrypt/live/peteolson.me-0006/privkey.pem , Your cert will expire on 2020-05-09. To obtain a new or tweaked , version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again , with the DQcertonlyDQ option. To non-interactively renew *all* of , your certificates, run DQcertbot renewDQ , , ,