Data Types , Types(data types) represent the type of the value stored in a variable, type of the value a function returns, etc. , , There are three basic types in Go Language , , Numeric types - Represent numeric values which includes integer, floating point, and complex values. Various numeric types are: , , int8 - 8 bit signed integers. , , int16 - 16 bit signed integers. , , int32 - 32 bit signed integers. , , int64 - 64 bit signed integers. , , , uint8 - 8 bit unsigned integers. , , uint16 - 16 bit unsigned integers. , , uint32 - 32 bit unsigned integers. , , uint64 - 64 bit unsigned integers. , , float32 - 32 bit floating point numbers. , , float64 - 64 bit floating point numbers. , , complex64 – has float32 real and imaginary parts. , , complex128 - has float32 real and imaginary parts. , , String types - Represents a sequence of bytes(characters). You can do various operations on strings like string concatenation, extracting substring, etc , , Boolean types - Represents 2 values, either true or false. ,