clear breadcrumbs
Flight Level Change FLC
Climb to and cruise to altitude Use the ALT knob to set the desired altitude Set climb mode using the FLC button Set best rate of climb speed BY using the nose up or down to set FLC speed to match the BY speed Click the HDG button to switch from ROLL to HDG The heading bug can be moved by turning the HDG knob, hold the shift key and turning the HDG knob for faster movement, or R-Click the HDG knob to set to current heading To update the altimeter to current / local barometric pressure you can use the "b" key or manually by using the CRS / BARO knob and setting to the local altitude Once airborne set the heading bug half way between the magenta lines and once heading has changed engage the NAV button Note that until the GPS label turns solid green the AP is still flying in HDG mode. Once on a course to intercept the GPS course and within a proximity of (?) it will automatically switch to a GPS heading Once on the first leg to final, click the PROC button and Select Approach and choose visual runway number, select STRAIGHT and then activate To use a VNV approach first get the Top of Descent TOD altitude from the flight plan and set the altitude to match and click the VNV button