clear breadcrumbs
sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+rx /usr/bin/youtube-dl ============================================================================= ripping music from youtube update youtube-dl: youtube-dl -U copy the share link from youtube into queue.txt file run the ripper file ./ripper move the mp3(s) into the music directory: mkdir if not exist use quotes if there any spaces in the directory or file name mv *.mp3 "/home/pete/2tb/music/Aria 2/Aria 2 old Horizon" short video (5:18) Pink Floyd -- Cirrus Minor -- https://youtu.be/GfPVM5dFlp8 manual ripping using 'filename.ext' format: youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' https://youtu.be/GfPVM5dFlp8 manual ripping using 'filename + video id.ext' format: youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 https://youtu.be/GfPVM5dFlp8 A bunch of short videos for testing (< 5:00) https://youtu.be/zpzdgmqIHOQ https://youtu.be/6p-lDYPR2P8 https://youtu.be/52iW3lcpK5M https://youtu.be/rSaC-YbSDpo https://youtu.be/15kWlTrpt5k https://youtu.be/rSaC-YbSDpo https://youtu.be/Zi8U2S-2-Cc backing up the music folder: /usr/bin/rsync -av pete@peteolson.me:/home/pete/Music/ /home/pete/2tb/backup/digital-ocean/music/ to check if the files are getting backed up from the remote to the local: diff <(ssh peteolson.me ls -R /home/pete/Music) <(ls -R /home/pete/2tb/backup/digital-ocean/music) or mount the remote file system with sshfs: sshfs pete@peteolson.me:/ /mnt/digital-ocean then use diff as if on a local machine: diff /mnt/digital-ocean/home/pete/tmp/test-source ~/tmp/test-target un mount: umount /mnt/digital-ocean Moving files to the music directory: First create the directory structure (if not exists) using the mkdir parents flag -p (note using quotes for names with spaces): mkdir -p '/home/pete/Music/Richard Shindell/Blue Divide' Next move the files to the Music folder: mv *.mp3 '/home/pete/Music/Richard Shindell/Blue Divide'